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Penetration Testing.

Protection of your data — whether customer information, personnel files, intellectual property, and more — is critical. It’s what your organization is all about, and a breach can put you out of business. In fact, major breaches causes as many as 50% of businesses fail.  Penetration testing by a major vendor can be the difference between your organization and another being selected for an attack.

Penetration Testing vs. Vulnerability Scanning

Penetration Testing, often referred to as “pen testing” or “ethical hacking,” is a security exercise where a cybersecurity expert attempts to find and exploit vulnerabilities. The purpose of this simulated attack is to identify any weak spots in a system’s defenses which attackers could take advantage of. Penetration testers and automated AI systems are skilled in the art of ethical hacking, which is the use of hacking tools and techniques to fix security weaknesses rather than cause harm.

Vulnerability Scanning is the process of identifying security weaknesses and flaws in systems and software running on them. It’s part of a vulnerability management program that protects organizations from data breaches. IT departments or third-party security service providers scan for vulnerabilities using vulnerability scanning tools.

The key difference between the Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Scanning lies in their approach and depth of analysis. Vulnerability scanning is an automated process that identifies known vulnerabilities in a system and flags them for review. It’s a high-level test designed to quickly identify and report potential vulnerabilities. Penetration testing, however, is a more in-depth, process. When pen testers find vulnerabilities, they exploit them in simulated attacks that mimic the behaviors of malicious hackers. This provides the security and IT team with an in-depth understanding of how actual hackers might exploit vulnerabilities to access sensitive data or disrupt operations.

Penetration Testing: What it is and isn’t

Penetration Testing is

  • Simulated Cyber Attack
  • Proactive Security Measure
  • Assessment of Security Controls
  • Risk Mitigation Tool
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Active “Offense” on the network

    Penetration Testing is NOT

    • Vulnerability Scanning
    • Random Hacking
    • One-Time Solution
    • Guaranteed to Find All Vulnerabilities
    • Replacement of Other Security
    • Legal or Compliance Check
    Making it easy.

    No Risk.
    No Obligation.

    When you allow us to quote, you are under no obligation. As your advocate, we only want you to secure the services that make sense. Already have a solution in place? Allow us to quote, and one of two things will happen: you'll confirm that you have a decent deal already, or better yet, we'll show you an even better solution that fits your needs and/or budget. Either way, you win!