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Protect your business with backupDatto Backupify is the leading cloud-to-cloud backup and recovery solution for software-as-a-service applications, including Google Apps, Office 365, and Salesforce.Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode....


Swiss Data VaultComplete security when exchanging data is worth its weight in gold. Welcome to DigitalSafe, a mobile cloud-based app from Switzerland. With your own personal storage cloud, you can secure, save and protect confidential information and data, and share...

PasswordWrench Password Manager

A Better Way to Manage PasswordsThe most secure Password Manager for small and medium size businesses up to enterprise accounts. Generate strong passwords to meet any site requirements; share securely among colleagues and remain compliant with security policies. Easy...

Spanning Backup

Protect your Office 365, G Suite and SalesForce data, and your business, with the highest-rated backup and recovery solution available.Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to...

Storagepipe Online Backup and Sync

Complete file sharing and online backup for Consumers and BusinessBackup your computers, sync your files, and share anytime, anywhere – all in one complete and secure package. Storagepipe Online Backup and Sync combines the security and reliability of backup...