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Switch is a technology infrastructure ecosystem corporation whose core business is the design, construction and operation of the most advanced data centers, which are the foundations of the most powerful technology ecosystems on the planet.We believe that the future...

Stratus Technologies

Headquarters: Peoria, IL – Name change was simply a re-branding exercise. 15 years in business. 500 miles of our own fiber throughout central Illinois, and growing. Carrier NNI’s in place to allow for blended last mile networks (MPLS / DIA). 5000 customers...

Storagepipe Online Backup and Sync

Complete file sharing and online backup for Consumers and BusinessBackup your computers, sync your files, and share anytime, anywhere – all in one complete and secure package. Storagepipe Online Backup and Sync combines the security and reliability of backup...

Star2Star Communications

Whether you own or work in a small business, big company or somewhere in the middle, Star2Star has a unified communications solution that can save you money while giving you more features than ever before! Click below to find out what we offerюOnly admnistrator owned...


In business, the speed of change is swift. To keep up, embrace the transformation with solutions that make an impact on your business, helping you serve your customers better, more profitably and more securely.Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme]...